But that’s not why you should attend.
To be inspired by those who once began from the first fold, just like you.
Between ideas, deadlines, projects, and dreams, catch a creative break to be inspired about all things publishing.
Our tracks include:
Expanding user base, taking measures to increase CPMs, opting for a subscription model, sponsored content, contextual advertising - there is a lot recommended to publishers when it comes to monetizing their website. But what can they really do to achieve targets?
Why does a website exist? For the content that it offers. Be it strategy, marketing, or simply content that makes users content - publishing begins with it. This track explores it all; from the fundamental best practices to the creative breakthroughs.
Publishing industry has been thriving on data ever since we know it. In a world that is increasingly turning towards data privacy, it has been undergoing a radical change. Now is the time to turn this challenge into an opportunity with actionable solutions.
No one, we repeat, no one should return to work uninspired after spending four hours with like-minded people. To add on to all that First Fold offers, this segment is about some awesome stories brought to life through some fireside chats.
Will Doherty EVP, Global Marketplace
Emily Roberts
Programmatic Trading
Josh Peters
Director of
Data Partnerships
Michele DeVine
Director of Commerce
Partnership & Programmatic
Rebecca Poynton Murray
Head of
Commercial Product
Rob Beeler Chairperson
Scott Messer SVP, Media
Angelina Eng
VP of Measurement
& Attribution
To tell you about us, we first have to ask you a question.
What is one common thing between all the people who are working
in the publishing space?
[ The answer cannot be ‘publishing.’ ]
Okay, the subjective-correct-answer is that we are all humans (high-five if that is what you thought).
Yet the more events we attend, the more we feel like parts of an engine.
And, First Fold is our attempt to let engines be for cars and airplanes. It is about bringing back the heart because nothing ‘beats’ it.
You got it right -
we are a team that loves
publishing and puns.
In short, we are just humans keen on burning our nights sipping the strongest coffee to bring you the greatest publishing experiences.